Lund University funding for research infrastructure (Lunds Universitetsgemensamma medel för forskningsinfrastuktur)
Lund University has allocated funds for university-wide financing of infrastructure. These funds are announced annually by the university joint research committee. Interdisciplinary research environments with special strategic importance for the university are the focus of the call.
The Swedish Cancer Society (Cancerfonden)
The Swedish Cancer Society supports high-quality research projects initiated by individual researchers or research groups. The key to granting the application is the originality, feasibility and importance of the project for the overall purpose of the Swedish Cancer Society. In 2017, the Swedish Cancer Society distributed SEK 493 million to Swedish cancer research.
Skåne Regional Council Research grant (Region Skåne Forskningsstöd)
Region Skåne (Skåne Regional Council) is the self-governing authority of Skåne. Region Skåne is responsible for providing health and medical services to the inhabitants living in Skåne. Region Skåne is working to promote research and development in Skåne, thereby strengthening the region's growth.
Edvin Giström Foundation
Private foundation supporting research at Lund University, Department of Ophthalmology.
IngaBritt and Arne Lundberg Research Foundation (IngaBritt och Arne Lundbergs forskningsstiftelse)
The purpose of the foundation is to promote scientific medical research, mainly dealing with cancer, renal disease and orthopaedics. The Foundation's appropriations have over the years regularly been concentrated on such major projects, which are considered to be essential for the future development within the Foundation's purpose. The foundation prioritizes the purchase of instruments, aids and equipment.
ALF is a local agreement between Lund University and Region Skåne. Region Skåne and Lund University agree to jointly promote the development of health care through deepened and expanded collaboration in research, education, development and care.
The Eye Foundation (Ögonfonden)
The purpose of the fund is to promote and initiate scientific eye and vision research with a view to preventing and treating eye diseases and to utilizing the remaining visual ability effectively.
SUS Foundations (SUS Stiftelser och Donation)
Funds can only be awarded to clinical research. The main applicant must be a doctoral candidate and at the end of the application period must have employment / permanent remuneration at Skåne University Hospital Malmö / Lund, Laboratory Medicine in Malmö / Lund or Psychiatry Skåne in Malmö / Lund.
Lund Laser Center
The Lund Laser Centre (LLC) was established at Lund University in 1995 as an organisation for laser, optics and spectroscopy research. It constitutes the largest unit in the field in the Nordic countries. The Centre is characterised by a very strong exchange of ideas, expertise and resources between different projects, where advanced electro-optics form a common denominator. The particular set up of the Lund Laser Centre, gives a unique and informal access to relevant knowledge also outside the field of lasers, optics and spectroscopy to allow well-balanced, synergetic research projects to be pursued.
Cronqvist Foundation (Cronqvist stiftelse)
The foundation's return should promote medical research in the field of eye diseases, primarily retinitis pigmentosa and, secondly, other eye diseases.
Swedish Medical Society (Svenska Läkaresällskapet)
The Swedish Medical Society's foundation administration is based on the donations that SLS has had the benefit of receiving over the years. In particular, the funds have been distributed to scientific activities that are less well-funded through grants from universities and research councils.
Crown Princess Margareta Foundation for visualy impaired (Stiftelsen Kronprinsessan Margaretas Arbetsnämnd för synskadade)
The Crown Princess Margaretas Arbetsnämnd for the visually impaired, KMA, mainly has Crown Prince Marg small format purpose to provide assistance to the needy visually impaired in Sweden and to support scientific research on visual impairments.
Visually Impaired in i Malmö county (Synskadade i f.d. Malmöhus län)
The main purpose of the foundation is to promote scientific research in the field of eye diseases
Carmen and Bertil Regnér Foundation (Carmen och Bertil Regnérs Stiftelse)
The main purpose of the foundation is to promote scientific research in the field of eye diseases